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 News Archive 2019

A man named Rich has to give his ex-wife
half of his riches from his lottery winnings
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 23, 2019

A man named Rich has to give his ex-wife half of his riches from his lottery winnings which total $80 million.

Rich, whose legal name is Richard Zelasko , got himself in this pickle after he hit the numbers back in 2013. During that time, Rich and his ex-wife, Mary Zelasko, were still in the midst of a 2-year divorce that began in 2011. So when it came out that Rich was now Rich, his ex-wife decided that half of his pot luck belong to her. And she was right.

The two were still legally married. Mary Zelasko had taken care of herself, him, and their three children during the seven years they were married. Plus, the word is out that Rich didn’t spend his nickels and dimes or time on his three children that he made with his then wife, Mary Zelasko.

The things that ol’ Rich did apparently spend his nickels, dimes, and time on were his T-shirt shop, playing golf, and playing roulette at the casino.

The arbitrator, John Mills, noticed all of that and told ol’ Rich there that he had to pay up. “As loses throughout the marriage were shared jointly so should winnings be shared jointly” is what Orion Donovan-Smith of the Washington Post quoted the late arbitrator as saying.

Oh yeah, the arbitrator died. Due to the arbitrator advancing to a higher form of living, Richard Zelasko and his lawyer Scott Bassett argued before the Michigan Appeals Court that the arbitrator’s ruling should be thrown out. They also told the Michigan Appeals Court that the court should ignore the arbitrator’s ruling because he didn’t like Mr. Rich having all of those riches.

But the folks on Michigan Appeals Court were like, “The fact remains that when you won the lottery you were still married to Mrs. Mary Zelasko. And the arbitrator was assigned to distribute the assets equally that were obtained during the marriage. Therefore, you must give Mrs. Mary Zelasko half of your $80 million winnings that were obtained during the marriage.”

Rich, of course, was dumbfounded because in his mind he was divorce from his wife. It didn’t matter that the divorce proceedings weren’t finalized. What mattered to ol’ Rich there was that he filed for divorce. Unfortunately for him, the law is the law. And the law says a divorce isn’t finalize until it is finalize; which for ol’ Rich there wasn’t until 2018.

Rich and his lawyer Scott Bassett say they’re going to ask the appeals court to look at the case again. And whenever they get that “motion denied” they will appeal to the State of Michigan Supreme Court which will more than likely rule just like the arbitrator and the State of Michigan Appeals Court ruled.

Oh well, sucks for ol’ Richie Rich there!

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